
Lastest news about the series

On these pages you will find the latest news about your favorite anime: the orignal series MCoG 1, the long-awaited official sequels to the series: season 2 (2013), season 3 (2016) and season 4 (2020), the french manga from the first series and its sequels and the video games. But also the cancelled film, and the unofficial and abandoned sequel The New Adventures of Esteban and Zia: NAEZ.
If you have news that should be published on theses pages, email me! Thank you.

Season 1
News about season 1 of The Mysterious Cities of Gold series
Season 2
News about season 2 of The Mysterious Cities of Gold series
Season 3
News about season 3 of The Mysterious Cities of Gold series
Season 4
News about season 4 of The Mysterious Cities of Gold series
The Mysterious Cities of Gold: the manga
The manga
The Mysterious Cities of Gold: the video games
The video games
The Mysterious Cities of Gold: the film
The film
Esteban & Zia in search of the 7 Cities of Gold

[ MCoG 1 ] [ MCoG 2 ] [ MCoG 3 ] [ MCoG 4 ]
[ The manga ] [ The film ] [ Video games ] [ NAEZ ]

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