"Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

bruh im bored have condorswap 2
parce que je fais qu'est-ce que c'est que j'veux

:condor: The Condor's Last Flight :condor:

:condor: Chapter 1: Futures :condor:

”I just wish it could have lasted longer, you know?”

At that, Zia looked up a little. Staring ahead, looking at someone she couldn't see.

“What do you mean? It's still lasting.”

"...you know what I'm talking about.”

She did, of course. Yet it wasn't very easy to talk about. Every time they've tried, it had felt like sticking their hands into boiling water, and none of them would handle it very long. Save for Esteban, of course; but he was the only one without hands, in this situation.

May they be metaphorical or literal.

“I wish we could keep going on adventures.”, he continued, his voice sounding in a corner of Zia's head. “I wish we could keep flying over the world. Maybe we can resume our quest...”

“You're still onto that, aren't you?”

“I can't help it. I hate the frustration of unfinished work, you know it!”

“I know it. And I'm sorry.”

She sighed slightly, pensively running a hand through her hair. It was so short these days, but she was used to it by now; it felt like a needed change.

“But...we've grown up. All of us, even you. It's not right to stay in the same place forever.”

Esteban knew that, of course. He knew it, and it felt selfish to deny it. But what could he do about his own feelings?

“So...that's the end, then?”

“It's not the end, and you know it.”

“It feels like it. So much is changing, I can hardly keep up! Are our old times really over?”

“It's only been ten years. That's only natural that things change.”

Ten years since they've stopped their quest. For Esteban, they've passed as quick as a good night's rest. It seemed like the whole...process had warped his perception of time altogether, and he hated the idea.

“So...what will you do?”, he asked. “Will you settle down?”

“That's the idea. Tao and I have thought about returning to his homeland, and making something of it. Maybe we'll build a house, I'm not sure yet.”

She chuckled a bit.

“Knowing him, that's definitely what he has in mind.”

“I could fly you there. It wouldn't take a day, I bet!”

He could feel from her hesitant voice that there was something she wasn't telling him, and he dreaded to know.

“You see...we thought that it would be best to go by ourselves. We've...we've got a ship ready to go in the morning.”

She seemed to sense the tension in the air, for she immediately added:

“It's nothing against you! I swear. It's just...well, we thought that maybe you...you wouldn't want to bear witness to excessive honey-sweetness.”

If Esteban still had a throat, he would have chuckled.

“I'm used to it by now. You two do your thing, and I'll be your steed, who's not in the best position for jealousy. But...it's nice that you thought about it.”

Zia smiled, and slowly stood up. Carefully, she put a hand on the golden beak, feeling the warmth of the metal caressed by the falling sun. Esteban couldn't feel it very well, but he let it happen, reveled in the softness of her touch. How he would miss it…

“We'll come back.”, she promised. “And you can come to see us whenever you feel like it. If...whenever you feel ready.”

“I'm going to miss you. We've been through so much...I can't believe it's ending!”

“It's not ending, Esteban. It's...merely a pause.”

She looked up at him, at his purely decorative eyes. Silence reigned for a moment, during which none of them knew what to say. How could they be sure of how long this would last? What if one day they simply stopped being friends, and forgot about one another?

No, Zia thought. She'd never forget him. He who had been her first friend, her first crush, her first insight into the secrets hidden from them. She'd never forget him, not now, nor ever.

"There's something Tao doesn't know yet. And...I would like you to be the first to hear it. You deserve it.”

At the warmth of the orichalcum beak, she could feel his interest being perked up.

“I'm expecting our first child. I'm sure of it now. He and I have talked about it for a while now, and...I suppose the time has come for us to start a family.”

She saw the light bounce and ripple over the Condor's body, spread like waves on a pond under the force of Esteban's excitement. She couldn't help a smile as the light focused in front of her, and sprouted out to give form to his usual, child-shaped projection.

“This is amazing!”, he smiled wide, wriggling his fists. “Can you imagine? Oh, I can already see his reaction!”

And the light changed its shape, now copying Tao's silhouette and voice.

“'I'm proud that you're keeping up the lineage of our ancestors! Really, Zia, I didn't expect any better of you! Now come here so I can kiss you all day long like the sappy mess I am!'”

And he mimicked some gross kissy faces that made Zia laugh out. She batted away at the light with her hands, and it melted like a puff of smoke before reforming Esteban's usual form. That of a fourteen-year old child, the same as on the day of his fall.

Ten years have passed, and yet he hadn't changed.

"...I can't wait.”, he said more calmly. “It's so weird...you'll get to build a family, now. With a house, and children and everything...”

“It's part of life. And we have to celebrate these changes.”

Slowly, she put her hand over his'. His light was not burning anymore, he's learned how to control it. Now it barely felt hotter than a freshly-brewed cup of Arabian coffee, and it made her feel a little tingly. But that aside, he was still the same as ever.

“I'll pass on the medallion of the Sun. Maybe when our children grow up, they will get to pilot the Condor. And you'll help them.”

“Of course I will.”

Zia smiled, and looked at him with fondness. In the brightness of the light, it was hard to make up Esteban's face, but she knew he was smiling too.

Slowly, she leaned up, and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. It didn't felt like anything, except like a warm sunbeam over her face. He was so young, and she was a married woman now; it didn't feel like greeting a friend, but like comforting a child. If Esteban was aware of it, he said nothing about it, and closed his eyes to let it happen.

The sun was going down, and his light was starting to dim. Zia pulled away, and looked at Esteban as he was disappearing little by little. She knew he couldn't stay here forever, and it ached at her heart, but such was the way of things. She let go of his hand, and for a moment he tried to hold onto it; but he eventually let go, knowing it'd be futile.

"...see you someday.”, he simply said.

“See you too. Give my regards to your mother, from us.”

He nodded, and watched the sun as it set beyond the horizon. It then felt as if he couldn't stay awake any longer, and he had to go to bed; so he closed his eyes, and let himself fall back into the Condor's body. His light gleamed over it for a second, before dimming down for the night. Zia stayed next to him for another minute or so, until she heard Tao and the others calling for her. So she got up, and returned to them, her heart still a little heavy.

Come morning, the Golden Condor had flown away.


The bell rang to the relief of the students that were already making their way to the door, in a flurry of zipped-up bags and pencil cases and closed notebooks. Quickly the classroom filled with chatter and footsteps on their way to recess, happy to find the end of a long two-hour History class. Such was the usual routine of eight-graders on Tuesday morning, when class was starting to wake up to the rhythm of school yet not exactly quite there yet.

Except that Tina wouldn't exactly adhere to this routine, today. Holding her freshly-graded test in hand, bag over her shoulder, she made her way to the teacher's desk with slow feet, already knowing what would happen. If the red chicken-scratch angrily peppered through her dissertation was of any indication as to what could have caused the teacher to want to meet her after class, she sure didn't want to know the details of it. At least it'll be over soon, she told herself as she awkwardly stood by the desk while Mrs Fermonte finished putting her papers together. How she hated that moment when she wasn't sure she should say anything! But after a good minute, when the footsteps and voices had disappeared into the hallway, the teacher removed her glasses and looked up at the young girl.

:condor: Read the rest over at https://archiveofourown.org/works/23790 ... s/57152173 :condor:
:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

:condor: Chapter 2: Heirlooms :condor:

Arizona Excavation Digs up Possible Great Golden Bird

Monday, April 23rd afternoon, a team of researchers working in an excavation site in Seila, AZ have unearthed a gigantic construct that locals already identify as a “great golden bird”.
The French team of archeologists led by Pr. Ambre Desvilles was searching the area for possible fossils dating back to the Paleozoic era, which would have been preserved by the sands. However, things took a whole new turn when their excavation revealed the remains of an 115 feet-long machine of unknown origin and fabric, in the shape of a bird.
“It is unlike anything we've ever seen,” revealed Pr. Desvilles. “If this is really a
grand oiseau d'or, then we might be facing a historical event of no precedent.”
Great Golden Birds were thought to be items of myth, no less than the legendary Cities of Gold that still elude historians. All throughout the world, various sightings and scriptures reveal the existence of these fabled golden birds, on which many legends base themselves. However, no tangible proof of their existence has ever been found; perhaps the Seila excavation would be the first real trace of these machines' existence.
“Our goal for the time being is to unearth as much of it as possible. We're already working on taking samples for analysis, but so far the structure seems to be unbreakable. The most likely scenario is that we'll need to bring it out for further research.”

Followed pictures of the excavation site, showing a bird's eye view of the machine. It did look like a bird, its wings spread in a bent way like it fell in mid-flight. From under the desert sands, parts were slowly being dug up, for the construct had likely been damaged from the impact or from time.

Tina looked down at her sketch of the machine's silhouette, trying to assemble in her mind what it could look like. She couldn't believe it; a great golden bird! These things only existed in movies or in theorist blog pages! So to find one, just like that, in the middle of the desert? Oh, that got her inner archeologist all riled up, alright!

These birds were things of legend. Gigantic golden demons or monsters that only a child's hand could tame, and that were said to follow the setting sun to guide men to riches unknown and unimaginable, or maybe even to the land of El Dorado. They were a perfect mix of unicorns and ghost trains, with a little bit of ancient astronaut theories thrown in for good measure; and if Tina knew anything about this kind of world, it's that no legend is born from nothing.

Her domain was often discredited, due to the very nature of cryptic research. Urban legends loved to change people's perceptions of what was otherwise serious matters, and YouTube was full of videos from people trying to either rationalize or mystify these topics for views. There was some money to be made from people's credulity, which led to many hoaxes and false sightings that drowned the already meager amount of possible truth. All of that combined made research very hard, and what little could be made was never taken seriously. Anyone who tried to fund a serious expedition to the Cities of Gold would be met with mockery and discredit, for no one could possibly believe they existed.

But maybe this golden bird would be the start of a new era. Maybe it would lead to a better understanding of this world. Tina was sure of it: people could fake dinosaur prints or missing link skulls, but no one could possibly make up a giant bird out of solid gold. At least, not for credulity money, unless whoever did this had a lot of time and resources to throw out the window. No, there was no way this could be staged. She refused to believe it. This bird, this machine had to be real. It had to be the key to something new, something that'd open the doors to her new world.

Her drawing finished, she tore the paper off her sketchbook, and taped it to a blank page of her research log, along with several notes she's already taken from the news article. Several other sources have confirmed the findings of the Seila excavation, and pictures were flourishing online. The operation was led by a known team, even though Tina's French wasn't useful enough to further research the university websites about them. But she was confident enough that this whole ordeal would go well, and that she'd know more in the following days.

As she put her research notebook away, she found in her schoolbag the flyer on the exhibition. She picked it up to read through, letting the pictures pique her interest. She's never really been interested in Pre-Columbian civilizations, but if her knowledge of the hidden world was anything right, she knew it'd be time to look into that domain. She had seen some theories about how great golden birds were possibly of Inca or Mayan origin, and needless to say, this wouldn't happen at a better moment. If this exhibit was truly a big event, she'd get to meet professors and historians, who could perhaps enlighten her research. If passion alone wasn't enough, hard work would help a lot, wouldn't it?

Her mind was set, then; now, for the hardest part.

Putting the flyer in her pocket, she looked out the window. No brown car in sight. Peeking out of her room, she made her way to the kitchen, where she knew her dad was hanging out.

:condor: Keep reading over at https://archiveofourown.org/works/23790 ... s/57197638 :condor:
:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

:condor: Chapter 3: Emblem :condor:

It's not like Tina had never been to a museum before. They've visited one back in elementary school, and it's been a fun experience; one of those that have kickstarted her love for history. But occasions were growing little, and the everlasting gatekeeper that were entry fees have stopped her from attending ever since. However, things were about to change; while it didn't feel like anything significant, it was for her.

So far, she hadn't managed to get her hands on any savant or professor; it seemed they were too busy doing university work. But that visit wasn't unpleasant by any means. On the contrary, it turned out Mrs Fermonte was right: Mesoamerican cultures had a lot of interesting things to show. They were so unknown, so distant, and getting them to reveal their secrets was proving harder than archeologists thought, but they were doing a good enough job at it. Some of the pieces on display were really unique, like an authentic jade mask thought to be used for rituals, or intricate coffins that once held the remains of emperors. Of course, there were unpleasant questions of ethics to be asked as to how these pieces were acquired; but Tina didn't really like to think about it. That wasn't her place, nor her choice, so all she could do was hope they were copies or willing donations.

Dragging his feet behind her, Leon seemed bored out of his mind. She'd have thought the idea of sacrificial knives could have interested his teenage mind, but it looked like the general mood of museums wasn't doing so great for him. At least he wasn't running off, which made it easy to look after him. Busy with taking notes and sketches as she was, Tina was easily getting distracted with research of the most serious nature.

“Check this out.”, she said, trying to get his interest. “It says these were sacrificial tributes.”

Leon looked up from his phone, to glance at the row of old skulls displayed under glass frames. One in the middle had a nasty crack on the back; the plaque underneath read that this adult woman had been killed from a powerful blow, as was often the case in Inca sacrifices.

“Nasty business.”, he commented. “And people were okay with that?”

“Seems so.”

“What a bunch of savages, really!”

“Hey, don't say that. People today are okay with police brutality and human trafficking, I don't see how that's different.”

Leon shrugged, and returned to his screen. Tina looked at the skulls for another moment, before turning her eyes away.

It seems they weren't in the best section for that, however. All around them were remains of graves, burials and sometimes people, depicting with a voyeuristic pleasure the funerary practices of the Aztecs and Incas, with quite the emphasis on human sacrifices that painted them as sadistic savages. Tina had studied enough to know better, of course; people sometimes believed in crazy things. At least the people of the continent of Mu were better than that, from what she could know.

Wonder why they never got their own museum exhibition. Well, when she grows up and becomes an archeologist, she'd make sure it happened.

She decided to look away from another set of old bones, and instead turned to a display of jewels and weapons. Of course, there were some bones with it too, but if she focused enough she could ignore the sight.

Whoever that person was, they were obviously beloved. Their arm was decked in bracelets, some incrusted with gemstones. Mosaic wreaths added the impression of colorful flowers, put there by the people that have cared about them until their last breath. The weapons shown were simple: daggers and knives, spearheads. Maybe that person wasn't a warrior, but by the sheer number of coins and gemstones surrounding their remains, it was obvious they were someone rich and powerful. Tina crouched down a bit, to read the plaque.

The Traveling Child
Remains found in a grave by the Patiala Temple in Pendjab, India. Dated 1500 CE.
This young boy of mixed South American and Caucasian origins died of a skull fracture around 12 years old. He was interred with great respect and rich offerings which were normally saved for people of significance.

Tina looked at the remains. An arm, some ribs, part of a spine; no skull in sight. Maybe this was only part of the whole display, which was likely being kept in whatever Indian museum had lent it for this exhibition. It felt a little weird to think about, honestly. She was about to turn her eyes away again and head to another hall, when something suddenly caught her eye.

:condor: Read the rest over at https://archiveofourown.org/works/23790 ... s/57210445 :condor:
:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

I feel like I'm hitting peak inspiration. Like this is something big. Honestly, I feel so great! It's like nothing's impossible. I love it.

:condor: Chapter 4: Freedom :condor:

“Do you have, like...any idea of what you're doing?”

Tina sighed, looking out the window.

“Look. I know it's difficult, but...I feel it. I feel we're onto something. This isn't a coincidence.”

She opened her notebook once more, to read the many notes and scribbles spread over its pages.

“I can't help but feel it. There's a connection. I just...I know it, that's all!”

“The mystical kind of connection, I hope?”


She looked at the sun emblem that she's sketched, along with a reproduction of the sunbird tapestry that she found online. The child depicted bore the emblem on their chest, a bit like a necklace as well. Did the Traveling Child have something to do with the great golden bird? Did it mean that, by extension, she too could have something to link her to it? Or was it all illusions, impressions that'd get her in huge trouble?

“I don't know if that's true. But we have to see it. Even if there's nothing, I'm just not passing on an opportunity to see the bird from up close.”

“So what? You'll just...waltz into a highly-guarded research lab and ask to see it? Don't you know what happens next?”

He feigned to shoot her with his fingers. Obviously, it wouldn't be as easy. But sadly, she hadn't thought that far ahead. That was unlike her, honestly, but...that was true. Why had she done this? Why hadn't she thought up a more sensible plan? And why was Leon so on board with this? They were both fully aware of the consequences, of Celia's anger and of the terrible punishment she'd suffer at the hands of la Cojona, and yet–

None of this made sense. And yet, here they were, reaching the Albuquerque bus station. Well, there was no turning back now.

“So.”, Leon said, once they stepped out after a long bus ride. “Where do we go now, genius?”

Tina picked her phone, frowning a little about her upcoming lack of battery. All this photo-taking took its toll on her old tool.

“Cibola's just a walk away. Just right...this way.”

“Praise Google. I can't imagine how people got around back in the day.”

“They had maps too, dimwit. Now they're just on screens.”

She had no idea what they were looking for. All her sources said was that the great golden bird would be brought to a nearby small town for research; but it gave no address or phone number. Not that she'd have wanted to call; she had no idea what to say in such a situation. The discovery would obviously be well-guarded, and entry barred to any tourists. Even if Tina claimed to be a researcher, she was but a middle schooler with no business anywhere near a finding this big and unknown.

Guess they'd have to improvise.

:condor: Read the rest over at https://archiveofourown.org/works/23790 ... s/57237205 :condor:
:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

"All of a sudden, the whole construct shone bright like a lighthouse. People screamed out, blinded by the light, and Tina screamed too. But her hands were welded to the snake, unable to let go, as if electricity was coursing through her and blocking her muscles. A horrible metal creaking followed, and something hit the bird's right side so hard it almost made it tip. Then the same impact came to the left, and put it back in balance. Other smaller impacts happened all over its carcass, and the entire place started to shake violently. Tina started to cry, unable to control herself, and Leon was curled up on his seat without he could move. Panic was taking over, digging its claws into them as unknown things were happening all around.

The noise got louder, the whirring omnipresent around them. The light receded, and the dashboard lit up in a flurry of colors. Something clicked in there, and the snake became much less stiff, as if child safety has been taken off. Tina didn't know what she was doing, she's long renounced on knowing; she wasn't in control anymore. All she wanted now was to get out of here, and she'd do it no matter what."
:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

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Maître Shaolin
Maître Shaolin
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par nonoko »

Tu es toujours aussi plein de surprises! Je n'ai pas encore eu le temps de tout lire (j'ai commencé d'autres trucs, je me gave de films et trucs divers parce que ça fait des années que je ne pouvais plus le faire, véridique :roll: ) mais le jour viendra! En tout cas, la video c'était 8) et ton petit dernier dessin aussi. Good feeling, smile on my face.
"On savoure mieux ce qu'on a désiré plus longtemps, n'est-ce pas Mendoza?"
Unagikami mon amour
"It was a skyfall, and a rebirth, a bloody honeymoon, for both of us"
Yokai Circus
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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

nonoko a écrit : 25 avr. 2020, 13:18 Tu es toujours aussi plein de surprises! Je n'ai pas encore eu le temps de tout lire (j'ai commencé d'autres trucs, je me gave de films et trucs divers parce que ça fait des années que je ne pouvais plus le faire, véridique :roll: ) mais le jour viendra! En tout cas, la video c'était 8) et ton petit dernier dessin aussi. Good feeling, smile on my face.
Always happy to serve! :D

:condor: Chapter 5: Crime :condor:

About two miles above ground, flying over a patch of forest in northern New Mexico, the bird was trailing the sky like it slowly remembered how to. Following its small feathered brethren, it was gliding effortlessly, gilded wings cutting through clouds and winds, sunlight caressing its broken and dirty husk. Its body bore the wounds that still couldn't heal, pieces of its shell cut away to reveal the cogs and pistons underneath, clogged with dirt and splinters of rock. It felt like a caged animal being returned to the wild, like a creature that's been kept from its natural element for far too long and had escaped into the unknown. They were so high now that streets, houses and cars were but ants in the distance, and the feeling of solid ground was a foreign memory.

Slowly, Tina sat up on the pilot's seat, staring at the strange hologram in front of her. She blinked, trying to make sense of all of this, but nothing came to mind. Panic was still echoing in her mind, and her heartbeat hadn't exactly calmed down yet. And now, there was this...person with them, talking to them in a faint Spanish accent through something that felt like telepathy.

“The...Golden Condor?”, she repeated, intrigued. “Is that how you call the great golden bird?”

“It has many names.”, Esteban replied. “That's only one of them.”

He moved from the dashboard, making no noise or movement whatsoever, and sat on the left seat to stretch out his arms. It sent lots of little sparks flying, particles of light bouncing about as his form seemed to adjust to something.

“Speaking about names, you've yet to give me yours.”

Tina tilted her head, not sure about answering that request. But Leon was faster, and maybe less weirded out by it all.

“I'm Leon. That's my cousin Tina. We're in middle school.”

“It's a pleasure to meet you.”

Esteban smiled, and looked between the two of them, as if searching something. Tina didn't like being scrutinized by this apparition, but as he did so, she noticed the way his face looked. Eyes drowned in light, his traits hard to make out, and yet the certitude that he was staring at her; she's seen him before. By the truck, and back in the hangar.

“So...don't wanna be rude, but...what are you, exactly? A ghost?”

“Please don't haunt us.”

“A ghost?”, Esteban blinked. “Well...I never thought about it, but I suppose you can call it that? I definitely know I'm dead, that's for sure. And...I'm sort of bound to the Condor, now, but I don't know the details. You'd have to ask Killa when she wakes.”


“My mother. We share this vessel.”

Okay. Okay, that was...definitely a lot to take in. Tina fell back in her seat, still flabbergasted by everything she's just seen and heard. It was all so weird, and yet! Yet she was there! Oh boy, what a day this has been!

“So, which one of you bears the medallion?”

“The what now?”

“You know. The Medallion of the Sun? The Condor responded to its signal, so it means one of you has it.”

The cousins exchanged a glance, before Leon sat up.

“You mean this thing?”

And he pulled out the necklace form his shirt. Esteban opened wide eyes, and light rippled over his hologram like a shudder as he darted closer.

“That's it!”

Slowly, his fingers touched to the pendant, and the engravings lit up.

:condor: Read the rest over here https://archiveofourown.org/works/23790 ... s/57291643 :condor:
:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

And now, for the chapter that definitely put me on a FBI watchlist.

:condor: Chapter 6: Escape :condor:

The sun finished going down, and the streetlights were bathing the view in their artificial orange light. Sat on the Condor's foot, Tina watched it all take place, anxiety growing in her gut. She glanced at her phone once again, and once again a black screen silently pleaded for battery. She put it in her pocket with a sigh, as a bell in the distance rang seven times.

The museum was closed by now, and while the streets were still booming with evening activities, everything was starting to fall asleep. From the rooftop where they've landed, they could see streets ahead of them, and it made for quite a stunning view in all honesty. But sadly, they weren't here for sights.

Slowly, she stood up despite the dread that nagged at her. She couldn't believe she was about to do this! But it'd take her help for Esteban to help them in return, and this was the only way. They were already criminals, after all, so what would a break-in change to it?

She looked up. The Golden Condor was almost invisible, cloaked in a thin veil of light that reflected the color of the sky. She wasn't sure how it exactly worked, save for what Esteban told her; this was apparently a new mechanism that he found out recently, and that would help with hiding the plane when landing in the middle of town. At least it would keep it away from curious eyes, for cameras were quick to be whipped out at anything strange, these times.

“Think you'll be able to do it?”, Leon asked in a quiet voice.

Tina shrugged.

“Someone's got to. If we're criminals, we've got to play the part.”

“You realize that literally nothing makes us criminals? That's just you being paranoid.”

“Couple of brown kids steal a precious treasure and ride it away like hooligans? We're criminals alright.”

“And now you're being nonsensical.”

She sighed, ignoring him.

“We can still go back.”, he insisted. “We don't...we don't have to go all the way, I mean.”

“Maybe you'll miss your life.”, she snapped. “But I won't. I know I'm not risking a bitch's wrath.”

“It's not about wrath anymore. If we follow Esteban, what will happen of us? We can't just leave everything we know and become vagabonds! I mean, he maybe did it, but that was the 16th century, when people didn't have due homework!”

She couldn't help but scoff.

“Since when do you care? I thought you've always wanted to leave your old life and go on an adventure?”

“Yeah, but...”

He looked away, wringing his hands together.

“That's so...sudden. I mean, I didn't even pack a bag or anything!”

Neither had she, and it hurt to know. Should they leave now for wherever Esteban wanted them to go, they'd be unprepared. All she had was an empty backpack, a phone out of battery and nowhere near enough cash for a ride home. It seemed like adventure wouldn't be as easy and spontaneous as she thought, in these troubled times.

“I know what you feel. But this is just a rocky start. I'm sure it'll get better!”

She put a hand on his shoulder, trying to reassure him.

“Sometimes, life is that way. Unpredictable, but that's what makes its charm. Who needs packed bags, when your destiny as lion prince awaits?”

She didn't like using Leon's 'things' to bait him to do anything. But desperate times called for jerkish measures; he seemed aware of it, but chose not to say it.

"...I guess so.”

“That's the spirit.”

She ruffled his head, and turned towards the street. It was awfully silent around here, and though her heart had calmed down a little, she could still feel unease tingling inside her guts. The moon had started to shine, a waxing crescent that shed some pale light around the otherwise orange city. A light way weaker than that of the sun, but still enough to let the magic happen.

It was subtle at first, but eventually, the Condor started to react.

:condor: Read the rest over at https://archiveofourown.org/works/23790 ... s/57334915 :condor:
:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
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Enregistré le : 20 juil. 2019, 14:27
Localisation : Derrière toi, avec un grand couteau.
Âge : 25
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

:condor: Chapter 7: Clutter :condor:

Tina barely managed to sleep that night. The idea that someone could search the woods, find them and arrest them weighed too heavily on her soul. She's committed a crime, and would have to answer for it at any time; paranoia kept her in a half-awake state of panic, every creaking in the woods was a SWAT team ready to get her, every noise was them entering the Condor and drawing her out of the littlest bit of peace she managed to get. It felt like torture, trying to lay down on this seat in the dark in a semblance of comfortable position, to calm herself despite the fear and anxiety that wouldn't let go. She feared that if she let herself drift into bed, she'd be plagued by nightmares that'd make it even worse, and she definitely didn't want to risk it. So she laid there all night, unable to think rationally, waiting for the sun to rise.

Dawn eventually came, of course. It always did. A few minutes before the sun peeked out of the horizon, the Condor seemed to react. Tina watched from her seat, half-awake already, as it somehow twitched and blinked despite not having any muscles or eyes. Eight long years of school life had taught her that even without an alarm clock, her body knew when to wake up sometimes by the minute, trained as it was; did the Condor have something similar? Did it keep track of the sun's rises and falls, through some mechanical biological clock? She didn't really know, and didn't want to know. She was too tired for that.

The first rays of sun gleamed on the Condor's body, warming up its wings and head as they filtered through broken branches. They refracted through and made it too bright to keep her eyes closed, so she decided against fighting it and sat up tiredly. Little by little, the commands lit up again, and the dashboard screen came back to life, showing some gibberish lines that looked like a bootup screen.

Leon was asleep on one of the benches in the back, head hidden in his arms. Well, at least someone could get some rest tonight. Tina stood up weakly, checking on her arm to make sure it wasn't bleeding anymore. A pain in her stomach reminded her that she was hungry, and a quick look around their surroundings told her it'd have too wait. They were still in the middle of some patch of woodland, with no convenience store in sight. Searching her pockets, she pulled out the rest of the cash that tia Celia had given her for their trip; most of it has gone into their bus fare to Albuquerque, but the rest would be enough for them to survive a couple days. Make it a week if she only ate once a day.

Ugh, this wasn't the kind of life she hoped to have out of middle school, but she couldn't say she's never expected it. Hadn't every kid and their mother imagined themselves running away from home and living in the woods at some point? Her parents have never been rich, her dad spent a lot of the welfare checks on cigarettes and cheap nothings, and la Cojona cashed in the rest to pimp her shitty car. Wouldn't be the first time Tina would have to move through her day with an empty stomach, or try to make her meager savings last as long as possible. Now to hope Leon and his easier lifestyle wouldn't be a problem about it.

“You seem thoughtful.”

She froze in her thoughts, glaring around; but calmed down once she realized it was Esteban's voice. The Condor had finished turning on, and was now recharging its solar panels.

“...yeah.”, she admitted. “Just thinking on...where to go now.”

Slowly, Esteban's body reformed in front of her, sitting on the commands like a butt-dial catastrophe waiting to happen. He looked a little tired, which made her wonder if light holograms still had biological needs. Only thinking on it made her hungrier.

“You have a plan, right? You didn't ask me to steal your medallion just so you could ditch us?”

“I'd never!”, he retorted with such strength that the screen shone brighter. “I gave my word, and I'll hold it. I wouldn't abandon you, you know. But all things in due time; do you have it?”

Tina retrieved the medallion from her pocket, and held it to him.

:condor: Read the rest over at https://archiveofourown.org/works/23790 ... s/57389632 :condor:
:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

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Avatar du membre
Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
Messages : 699
Enregistré le : 20 juil. 2019, 14:27
Localisation : Derrière toi, avec un grand couteau.
Âge : 25
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

J'ai pris genre 3 rails de coke pour parvenir à écrire autant en même pas une semaine. Je dors plus debout. Mais je peux plus m'arrêter. J'avais besoin d'une nouvelle idée et je l'ai; bon certes, c'est pas ma nouvelle timeline que je voulais faire, mais ca m'arrange car j'ai déjà les circonstances et settings.
Je sens qu'au rythme actuel des choses, y'aura au moins une bonne vingtaine de chapitres. On a déjà presque rattrapé Sa Machine Ailée en termes de longueur, et je sens qu'on est partis pour dépasser Nos Chemins sous la Lune d'ici quelques semaines. Ou pas, j'en sais rien. J'ai aucune idée, d'où je vais avec ça, je me contente de me shooter au Red Bull et d'écrire comme un forcené parce que pourquoi pas.
J'ai rien d'autre à faire tfaçons. A part Skyrim. Quoique, Esteban le Fils du Dragon, ça pourrait donner un truc pas mal? Ou pas, j'en sais rien.
Un grand merci aux potos du Discord, en passant. Ca fait 5 jours qu'on est dans une feedback loop à se lire et s'écrire les uns les autres, c'est abusé. Mais j'aime ça.
Sur ce, je m'en vais reprendre un autre rail. Pas de la coke, non; je vais littéralement essayer de fumer un rail de train, parce qu'à ce stade d'addiction même l'héroïne ca m'fait plus d'effet.

:condor: Chapter 8: Treasure :condor:

The Condor was flying slowly, keeping a low enough altitude to follow the road westward. Hidden from view by the same light that powered it, it was trying to keep a straight enough line to fly without a hitch, despite its weakening wings and limited speed. From this height, it could have looked like a large eagle, and made about the same sound as one; the trail of wind it left in its course was just enough to make branches shiver, faint as it was. While it was hard to tell from this altitude, they were about as fast as the cars below them, from what Tina could observe; the dashboard screen gave her all she wanted to know about their actual speed, but only in a language she couldn't read and in units she didn't know. At least she wouldn't have to worry about it, focused as she was.

Her hands were clamped around the snake gear shift, thumbs awkwardly resting on the cobra's hood. She kept going ahead, giving it a slight nudge forward, yet unsure of whether she should tilt it further or not. Trying to keep a constant altitude was already hard enough, and the machine's weakness made it harder even to read. Luckily, Esteban was here to guide her.

“Keep going.”, his voice said somewhere in the back of her head. “Don't force it. You don't want to push the Condor, you have to nudge it in a direction and let it do the rest.”

She nodded, and relaxed her grip on the commands. Following the road, she very carefully tilted it right, and felt the weight of the tail shift at the back. She nudged a little more to make it turn faster, and ended up having to turn it left again to correct her trajectory. Alright, so it'd keep turning a short while after she returned to the middle; got it. She'd have to take that into account.

“You're doing great! Relax, have faith in it. Everything will be fine.”

“It still amazes me, though. This bird is so big, and it's only got this thing to steer it around?”

“It's very easy to pilot. Even Mendoza could have done it.”

“I thought he was the super skilled guy?”, Leon piped in. “He could have piloted anything, right?”

“Well, the first time I handed him the Condor's commands, it kind of ended up with him crashing down.”

“Tsh. Wouldn't have happened with me! This looks easy as pie.”

“Don't say that. It's harder than it looks.”

She tried to regain some altitude, but only succeeded in going faster. She hit the brakes a bit hurriedly, causing the two of them to jump in their seats.

“Hey, easy! This thing doesn't have seatbelts!”

“Well, when we get to China, we'll have it equipped with seatbelts.”, she groaned. “Can it a little, it's already hard enough to focus.”

“So you're saying that all carriages need to have belts on their seats? How does that do anything?”

“Well, for one, it reduces mortal accidents. Since, you know, cars go pretty fast. If they crash into something, you'll fly out the broken window without seatbelts!”

“Hmm...I do believe that'd have been useful. I can't recall how many times I have crashed the Condor when I was still learning!”

“Don't speak of bad luck, please.”, Tina gritted between her teeth. “I really don't want to crash.”

“Don't worry. If you do, it'll be a natural part of learning.”

That still didn't sit right with her, so she tried to ignore it. She tugged on the snake again, and followed the road.

:condor: La suite par ici https://archiveofourown.org/works/23790 ... s/57407062 :condor:
:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

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