"Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
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Enregistré le : 30 mars 2020, 17:46

Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par ziaguerra »

Nan c’est pas dommage.
Ce sont de petits one shots assez sympathique et qui dit one shots dit pas de suite.
Personnellement ça me dérange pas.
Pour ma part, je préférais quand même celui avec Mendoza et Zia mais j’aime bien celui-ci aussi.
On découvre une petite partie de la magnifique enfance de notre grand méchant.
Tout est encore superbement écrit à la Sandentwins quoi.
Congratulations !
Saison 1: 18/20
Saison 2: 16/20
Saison 3: 20/20
Saison 4: 19,5/20

Trio préféré: :Esteban: :Zia: :Tao:
Perso préféré: :Laguerra:
Couple préféré : :Mendoza: :Laguerra:

Vous êtes blessée ? Je survivrai. 8)
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Maître Shaolin
Maître Shaolin
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Este »

ziaguerra a écrit : 14 juil. 2020, 10:48 Tout est encore superbement écrit à la Sandentwins quoi.
Rien que ça ça veut dire que c'est bien.
Saison 1 : 18/20 :D
Saison 2 : 13/20 :roll:
Saison 3 : 19/20 :-@ :-@ :-@
Saison 4 : 20/20 :-@ :-@ :-@ :-@ :-@

Perso préféré : Laguerra
Couple préféré : Mendoza et Laguerra
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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
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Enregistré le : 20 juil. 2019, 14:27
Localisation : Derrière toi, avec un grand couteau.
Âge : 25
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

ziaguerra a écrit : 14 juil. 2020, 10:48 On découvre une petite partie de la magnifique enfance de notre grand méchant.
Tu sais qu'il y a pas qu'un seul rouquin dans le monde? Le bateau qui tombe du ciel, c'est bien la Nef d'Ambrosius. De plus, je précise clairement en notes que c'est un autre personnage de ma faison 4. Voilà, juste au cas où il y avait confusion.
Tiens d'ailleurs, il se présente bien de lui-même.
chibiherwa.png (30.38 Kio) Vu 4209 fois

Encore une fois, merci de vos lectures :D Parfois j'ai juste envie de déballer du contenu comme ça, sans suite ni attaches.
:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

Deviantart -- Fanfictions
S1: 14/20
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S3: 17/20

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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
Messages : 606
Enregistré le : 30 mars 2020, 17:46

Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par ziaguerra »

Sandentwins a écrit : 14 juil. 2020, 12:42
ziaguerra a écrit : 14 juil. 2020, 10:48 On découvre une petite partie de la magnifique enfance de notre grand méchant.
Tu sais qu'il y a pas qu'un seul rouquin dans le monde? Le bateau qui tombe du ciel, c'est bien la Nef d'Ambrosius. De plus, je précise clairement en notes que c'est un autre personnage de ma faison 4. Voilà, juste au cas où il y avait confusion.
Tiens d'ailleurs, il se présente bien de lui-même.


Encore une fois, merci de vos lectures :D Parfois j'ai juste envie de déballer du contenu comme ça, sans suite ni attaches.
Ah d'accord excuse moi. Je n'ai probablement pas vu cette fanfiction, c'est pour ça.
Et je n'ai pas vu les petites notes.
C'est sûr que quand on me parle de rouquin, je pense directement à Ambrosius.
Saison 1: 18/20
Saison 2: 16/20
Saison 3: 20/20
Saison 4: 19,5/20

Trio préféré: :Esteban: :Zia: :Tao:
Perso préféré: :Laguerra:
Couple préféré : :Mendoza: :Laguerra:

Vous êtes blessée ? Je survivrai. 8)
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Maître Shaolin
Maître Shaolin
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Enregistré le : 02 avr. 2020, 15:06
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Este »

Sandentwins a écrit : 14 juil. 2020, 12:42 Encore une fois, merci de vos lectures :D Parfois j'ai juste envie de déballer du contenu comme ça, sans suite ni attaches.
De rien et ce n'est pas grave tu es très talentueux !!
Saison 1 : 18/20 :D
Saison 2 : 13/20 :roll:
Saison 3 : 19/20 :-@ :-@ :-@
Saison 4 : 20/20 :-@ :-@ :-@ :-@ :-@

Perso préféré : Laguerra
Couple préféré : Mendoza et Laguerra
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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
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Enregistré le : 20 juil. 2019, 14:27
Localisation : Derrière toi, avec un grand couteau.
Âge : 25
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

Beep beep, on revient à nos moutons.

:condor: Chapter 5: Warmed by the Fire :condor:

After a couple days of navigation only, the Indian Ocean was crossed. From there on, it was but a short distance to their destination, a continent in the heart of the Fire Ocean as they called it.

Zia had never been to this part of the world, but even then she could sense something was off. It all felt jarring. The places she had traveled through so far all breathed of ancient times; but this one was different. It was oh so different.

From the harbor, she could see high buildings towering into the sky. She could see streets paved with stone, decorated with ornamental flowers and metal statues. Machines started unloading the boat once they docked, and carts pulled by no animal she could see went to welcome passengers and merchandises. Zia watched it happen as she stood on the deck awkwardly, wondering what she should do, making sure to not be in anyone's way.

“Scary...”, Pichu commented, as another loaded shipment walked right past them.

“A little.”

Zia turned to the city she could see in the distance.

“Do you think...this is it? The continent of Mu, in the flesh?”

“Remember the people of Mu! Wisdom, wisdom of Mu!”

“Yes. It'd take a lot of wisdom to build something so...so Muan.”

She watched for another moment, still unsure of what to do. It took a servant ushering her in the right direction for her to finally follow, walking down to solid land after what has likely been the shortest ocean crossing of her life.

Down on the port, Kane'Oro was being greeted by his fellow people. They were all bowing and showing him great reverence, which made Zia rather uneasy. Whoever he was, he had status, power; she felt even smaller, standing next to him. So she tried to retreat a little, but she kept being pushed forward, towards this welcoming crowd of giants. And perhaps he sensed her unease, for he decided it was time to go.

A coach was waiting for them. It was richly decorated with gold and glass, and made of a style unlike anything she's seen. Kane'Oro and a couple of followers entered in, and Zia was invited as well; so she shyly took a seat, watching the city around as the vehicle started moving on its own, pulled by no horse or man. Pichu squeaked in fear, and hid in her sleeve for a good moment, as she tried to reassure him that all would be fine.

Perhaps he sensed the lie in her voice, for he didn't come out.

A conversation in Muan was going on, of which she didn't dare ask the meaning. The situation was all too familiar of her time at the Court of Spain, where she learned that the best way to keep alive was to be quiet and never bother anyone. So she made herself even smaller than she was, petting Pichu's feathers to keep herself grounded down, to not slip into a state of panic and make a mess of herself. Instinctively, bits of countenance and stance came back to her, and she tried to be as still and unnoticeable as possible. To not bother, to not impede, to not be in anyone's range. To pass for a doll with no feelings and no needs, like they would want her to be.

That's about when a large hand pat her shoulder.


:condor: Read the rest at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25015 ... s/61360891 :condor:
:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

Deviantart -- Fanfictions
S1: 14/20
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Maître Shaolin
Maître Shaolin
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Este »

J'ai du mal à me repérer avec tout se mélange mais la fanfiction est super !!
Saison 1 : 18/20 :D
Saison 2 : 13/20 :roll:
Saison 3 : 19/20 :-@ :-@ :-@
Saison 4 : 20/20 :-@ :-@ :-@ :-@ :-@

Perso préféré : Laguerra
Couple préféré : Mendoza et Laguerra
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Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
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Âge : 25
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

On est bien revenus sur L'Héritière des Sables. Oublie pas de suivre le lien en fin de poste, je ne mets ici que le début de chaque chapitre.
:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

Deviantart -- Fanfictions
S1: 14/20
S2: 15/20
S3: 17/20

Avatar du membre
Maître Shaolin
Maître Shaolin
Messages : 1709
Enregistré le : 02 avr. 2020, 15:06
Genre : Homme
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Este »

Ok d'accord. En plus sur mon téléphone je n'ai pas de contrôle parental ! Mais visiblement il y a un bug. En tout cas encore bravo pour toutes ces fanfictions !
Saison 1 : 18/20 :D
Saison 2 : 13/20 :roll:
Saison 3 : 19/20 :-@ :-@ :-@
Saison 4 : 20/20 :-@ :-@ :-@ :-@ :-@

Perso préféré : Laguerra
Couple préféré : Mendoza et Laguerra
Avatar du membre
Vénérable Inca
Vénérable Inca
Messages : 699
Enregistré le : 20 juil. 2019, 14:27
Localisation : Derrière toi, avec un grand couteau.
Âge : 25
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Re: "Sa Machine Ailée" et autres histoires

Message par Sandentwins »

Bique la police.

:condor: Chapter 6: And Shielded by the Ash :condor:

And so began a very strange time in Zia's life.

Living in the palace of the Emperor proved to be a rather pleasant experience. Her only knowledge of royalty stemmed from her own experience at the Court of Spain, which was far from a pleasant memory. All about rules, etiquette, proper behavior and forbidden places; it made her dread living here. But as time went on, she found that things were much more relaxed in the Court of Mu.

She had relative freedom, granted she stayed within the castle walls. No room besides private ones were off-limits: the gardens, the library, the study rooms were permitted to explore. If at first she stayed in the confined of her allocated bedroom, the itch to discover this place soon struck, and she'd frequently have a walk around the premises with Pichu in tow. It all felt so distant, so foreign, and yet so familiar.

There was no schedule, no obligations. She rose around the same time as other members of the Court and took her meals with them, but she was here as a guest, so she could do as she pleased. There was so much she wanted to do, and so much she was allowed to do; such freedom made her dizzy at first. But it was easy enough to get used to.

She'd spend her mornings in the gardens, getting acquainted with plants and nature in general. In this distant time, shrubs and trees all looked either like distant relatives of those she knew, or completely different and unknown species. She's taken to collecting leaves and flowers in a little notebook, and trying to stay in touch with her father's knowledge of plants and remedies.

Walking through the outer court also showed her plenty. There were a few streets immediately outside the palace, where merchants and offices had set up stand. The goods she saw on display were the most luxurious she's ever seen, and it taught her a lot about what this society was like. The people of Mu generally kept to their insular continent, and had plenty of resources of their own; gemstones and spices were indeed valuable, but most precious were goods found far inland, where it was hard to get by boat. Wool came from wild sheep, silk did not benefit yet from mulberry farms, and most grains were still in their primitive forms. There were few civilizations out there ready or willing to trade, and more prominent ones such as the Ash-Feathers tribe had yet to develop sufficient agriculture and industry. By being on top of their game, the people of Mu were the only ones of their kind.

Well, almost.


:condor: Read the rest over at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25015 ... s/61421674 :condor:

:condor: Le meilleur personnage de toute la série, c'est la mère d'Esteban.:condor:

Deviantart -- Fanfictions
S1: 14/20
S2: 15/20
S3: 17/20
